
Pull Quotes, Season 4, Episode 3: In conversation with Nora Loreto on how Long-Term Care Homes were affected by COVID – The Review of Journalism
Host Emma Jones talks to Nora Loreto, activist, writer and podcaster, who has been compiling reports of COVID deaths in Canadian institutions

Pull Quotes Season 4, Episode 5: Should Canadian crime reporters start thinking beyond what they can print, to what they should? – The Review of Journalism
Professors Maggie Jones Patterson and Romayne Smith Fullerton, co-authors of Murder in our Midst: Comparing Crime Coverage Ethics in an Age of Globalized News, join us to discuss regional approaches to crime reporting, and how they’re changing in the age of mass communication. We also discuss the re…

Pull Quotes Season 4, Episode 4: Photojournalists create a visual record of the human impact of industrial pollution – The Review of Journalism
This episode we’re using our audio platform to discuss the power of photography in highlighting humanity’s role in the degradation of the natural world. Documentary photographer Ian Willms joins us to discuss a picture he took in 2019 in an indigenous community in northern Alberta called Fort Chipew…